Localization for Japanese Market Solutions

To Business Owners Seeking Localization for the Japanese Market

To help you expand your business into the Japanese market, we offer comprehensive marketing support, including Japanese language adaptation. Our wide range of services ensures a successful entry and growth in Japan.

Services Offered

Japanese Language Website Creation

We create Japanese language websites to enhance communication with Japanese users. Our websites include language switch features, allowing users to easily navigate in their preferred language.

Japanese Market-Focused Creative Production

We produce marketing materials such as business cards, sales documents, flyers, and brochures in Japanese. From design to copywriting, we provide consistently high quality to increase recognition in the Japanese market.

Japanese Advertising Management

We conduct web marketing targeted at Japanese customers using platforms like Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Through continuous data-driven optimization, we maximize ROI.

Implementation Support for Various Payment Systems

We support the integration of major Japanese payment systems, ensuring a secure transaction environment for Japanese users.

Partner Search & Agency Sales Support

To help expand your business in Japan, we also assist in finding suitable partners and providing agency sales support.

Features & Benefits

One-Stop Service

We support all your marketing activities in one package.
From planning to execution and production, we handle it all.

Experienced Team

Our professionals, who have collaborated with foreign partners in trade and IT based in Japan, support you with their extensive experience in global marketing projects. We achieve quick results with efficient marketing strategies.

Customized Solutions

By analyzing competitors and discovering successful patterns for the Japanese market,
we provide creative solutions tailored to your business’s unique characteristics and needs, aiming to generate leads.

Customer Testimonials

“The support we received in adapting our website to Japanese and managing advertisements was incredibly helpful.
It significantly boosted our presence in the Japanese market.” – Manufacturing Company A

“Thanks to their assistance in finding partners and providing agency sales support,
our sales in Japan have significantly increased.” – Restaurant B


Contact Us

Please reach out to us using the form. We will review your inquiry and schedule an appointment.

Initial Consultation (Free)

We will identify your challenges and set goals, determining the best course of action.

Strategy Development

We will clarify objectives and goals and develop a detailed plan.


Based on the plan, we will execute various marketing strategies.

Continuous Improvement

We will review the outcomes of our strategies and continuously improve them for optimal results.

Company Information

We were established to support the success of new businesses. From marketing strategy to ad management and creative production, we offer extensive support to ensure your business succeeds.

Company Name: URANO LLC
Established: May 2022
Location: Shibuya, Tokyo

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can you support any type of business?

A: Yes, we support a wide range of industries. Please contact us for more details.

Q: What are your areas of expertise?

A: We excel in multilingual support for market entry into Japan and domestic advertising management. Please contact us to discuss your needs.

Q: What is your pricing structure?

A: Our pricing varies depending on the services provided. The initial consultation is free, so please feel free to contact us. Our service contracts start from ¥50,000 per month.

Contact Us

If you are interested in our marketing support services, please contact us. Our experienced professionals will propose the best solutions to ensure your business’s success. Contact us now!

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